Medicine Bowl

A land-based strategy for liberation



Why Support Medicine Bowl?

Medicine Bowl is on a mission to transition back into right relationship with the universe, the planet, and one another. The work of Medicine Bowl looks like land cultivation, community building, and sharing of knowledge rooted in plants, herbs, and the bounty & wisdom of the soul.

Medicine Bowl envisions creating the compost needed to move our extractive worldview back to one of harmony with the planet and one another. It is our vision to build and live in a world where everyone recognizes the connections we have to one another, the planet, and to spirit. This is liberation.

“I’m lucky enough to get to try out the Medicine Bowls salves before any pre-sales, and this new moon in Aquarius salve has kept even my terribly dry elbows from cracking this winter. I’ve slacked on my moisturizing routine because before this, everything left my skin too greasy. The texture and beautiful aroma of Medicine Bowl salves make me want to take better care of myself.

Big Aries Energy
Community Member

"This season, I've had multiple experiences with bug bites, and allergic reactions. The salve has been the only thing to calm the irritation, heal the scratches and calm my spirit...I really love the smell."

Kyla Hartsfield
Community Member

About Us

Kifu Faruq,

Founder & Cultivator

Hello! I am a 3rd generation herbalist, outdoors-woman, and survivalist. We've created this online space in order to increase awareness and access to plant medicine, as well as support of the base camp that will house the future of Medicine Bowl. We believe that recognizing and nurturing our relationship with plants, celestial bodies, and Mother Earth is the path to balance and peace.


Homegrown Roots in:

Durham, NC

Base Camp Address:

Green Mountain, NC

Follow Medicine Bowl!